Kill Shakespeare - The Blast Of War vol.2 TPB

Kód: AK0252
Značka: IDW
499 Kč
Kategorie: Komiksy v angličtině
Hmotnost: 0.5 kg
Autor: Conor McCreery
Jazyk: angličtina
Počet stran: 148
Rok vydání: 2011
Vazba: brožovaná
Nakladatel: IDW
EAN: 9781613770252
And so the curtain falls... Hamlet, Juliet, and Shakespeare all facing death! Can Othello rally the Prodigals to defeat Richard and Lady Macbeth's now-fractured army? But even if he does, will anyone be left alive to celebrate victory?
The critically acclaimed series ends its first run in this second volume collection.

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